I don't know readDepth tool but the error is quite simple. You have not specified input or output file directory. The first line "Use of uninitialized value ..." looks like warning. Please copy a command to the post so we can see where you've made a mistake, best, Agata
#convert the sam file to a mapability and gc-content tracks
perl mapAndGc.pl ~/path to dir/outdir/chr1.sam canfam3.1.genome $windowSize $chr $readLength $outdir
gzip $outdir/$chr.gc
gzip $outdir/$chr.map
rm -f $outdir/$chr.sam
Without more information, I'm afraid that I can't help you. The scripts provided are short and straightforward. Your error relates to not being able to find specific files that it expects to be there. Make sure all preceding steps have completed successfully. If you go line by line through the process, verifying that your inputs and outputs from each step look sane, I imagine you'll figure out what's happening.
I don't know readDepth tool but the error is quite simple. You have not specified input or output file directory. The first line "Use of uninitialized value ..." looks like warning. Please copy a command to the post so we can see where you've made a mistake, best, Agata
Thankx for reply
I used this script