I am trying to install Plink to use in Cygwin. I am having trouble creating the Makefile for it, and any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance
I am trying to install Plink to use in Cygwin. I am having trouble creating the Makefile for it, and any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance
1) If you are using windows, why don't you use a pre-compiled version? They are available for both PLINK 1.07 (ms-dos) and PLINK 1.9.
2) Why create a Makefile? It is already included in the source distribution. If you really want to compile it, read How To Ask Good Questions On Technical And Scientific Forums.
2) Do yourself a favor and use linux. Bioinformatics with Cygwin won't be straightforward, and very few people (if any) work like this, so it is unlikely many people will be able to help you.
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