There are two line 216 and 218
Three development stages 5 WEEK (5W), 7W, 9W.
Three tissue: Ca, Co, Pa
each with 2 biological replicate.
With two biological replicate. I want to do differential gene expression analysis using DESeq2 so I tried these codes after reading about DESeq2: ,my aim is to do the pairwise comparison. how to make colData and design formula.
countMatrix = read.table("",header=T,sep='\t',check.names=F)
[1] 57894 35
Now I am not sure how to construct a DESeqDataSet:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countMatrix,
colData = colData,
design = ~ condition)
I tried to make ColData like this:
Because I have 2 genotypes, 3 development stage and 3 Tissue but getting some error:
I tried to type all condition on linux platform itself but again getting ERROR:
You've missed an apostrophe and a comma in there and the variables in the data frame have different lengths (ie, one of them has the wrong number of samples).
Thanks a lot for helping me. I read sampleinfo (colData) as a csv file like this:
SampleInfo<- read.csv("sampleInfo.csv", check.names=F)
I need to ask you one thing about biological replicate information. 216_5W_Ca1 and 216_5W_Ca2 are biological replicate.... How should I add information about these in sampleinfo...
and My counMatrix look like this:
I also need to understand how to construct desion in DESeqDataSetFromMatrix for pairwise comparison ( 216_5W_Ca_VS_216_5W_Co) or multifactor to extract all differentially expressed genes across all the development and tissue stages above 2 fold and p value <0.001: