This looks like a systematic error of your sequencing equipment. Remove such errors is a good idea if you can. As of CASAVA 1.8 it converts bcl to fastq with a naming convention described in here
<instrument>:<run number>:<flowcell ID>:<lane>:<tile>:<x-pos>:<y-pos> <read>:<is filtered>:<control number>:<index sequence>
So you can use the naming convention to find reads from your tile and trim them from 174 to the end.
for example in read name @D00360:94:H2YT5BCXX:1:2215:16765:82760/2 tile is 2215 and "@D00360" is your instrument
This can be done with awk one-liner for your instrument @D00360, tile 2117 and trim length of 174:
awk 'BEGIN{instrument="@D00360";tile=2117;trim_len=174;FS=":"}($1!=instrument||$5!=tile){print $0}($1==instrument&&$5==tile){print $0;getline; print substr($0,1,trim_len);getline; print $0; getline; print substr($0,1,trim_len)}' your_fastq_file.fastq
awk reads file line by line. BEGIN defines your constants. FS=":" is field separator to split by ":" for the name. ($1!=instrument||$5!=tile) is true for any line other than for your tile in from your instrument name. These lines are printed out. If awk gets a name of the read for your tile of interest it prints it, reads new line and trims it by the length defined. Then awk gets one more line to print "+" from fastq format and finally reads the line of qualities and trims it the same way.
Hope this helps. Also very important to see the distribution of qualities for that tile at different nucleotide positions in the read. The reason is that for systematic errors the mean is not zero and the best way is to remove it by the mean. So if you see some reads are starting to get very bad at position 160 while other at 190 with position 174 on average, then trimmin by 174 is a good idea. If you will trim by 160 you will loose some information that is not noise!
Thank you.
Why are you worried about a single tile? If you feel there is some anomaly with that tile then ignore it.
from BBMap should help. (Introducing FilterByTile: Remove Low-Quality Reads Without Adding Bias : Pay attention to how it works).