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8.7 years ago
I want to use the old version edgeR (v3.12.0). I tried to search using Google. I can't get the link for this version. Does anyone know how to resolve this? Thanks.
3.12.0 wasn't part of a bioconductor release, so you'd need to much with svn to actually find it and there's no guarantee it exists there. Are you sure you don't want 3.12.1, which was available here?
While I don't know where to get it, I have a question: Do you mind telling us why you need an old version, I am curious.
The reason is we have two similar projects from the sample lab. The first one was already finished. For the new one, we'd like to keep the tools we used consistent. Now if I used biocLite("edgeR") to install, it will automatically install v1.12.1 under R-3.2.2.
Thanks. I will try.
I found a possible way to do this.
svn co https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman/Rpacks Rpacks-devel/edgeR --username readonly
The password is also readonly.
svn log Rpacks-devel/edgeR/ > edgeR_svn.log
If you know the reversion number, you can use: svn update -rVERISONNUMBER
to update the code.
References: https://www.bioconductor.org/developers/source-control/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6589512/checkout-a-specific-older-version-of-the-source-code-through-subversion/13619486#13619486 https://www.bioconductor.org/developers/version-numbering/