Hello All,
I would like to have your opinion on doing pathway analysis when p-values or foldchange or any ranking criteria is missing. Usually when I do my pathway overrepresentation analysis, I try to rank my proteins/genes with fold-change and then filter the proteins with q-values before running pathway analysis, I mostly use the library clusterProfiler(KEGG and Reactome) to do my analysis.
Today I received a list of proteins without pvalues or foldchange values, what would be a good way to perform pathway analysis when the ranking criteria is missing. Please let me know if the question requires more clarification.
Have you tried EnrichR tool. You just need to feed gene symbols in your case protein names. Obviously with FC or pvalue ranking it's better but it should still work. Even IPA works without any ranking but it's better to put direction or ranking. If you do not have it it's OK . Or you can ask your collaborators if they have any kind of FC or ranking metrics. If not then just try without them. Also I reckon you can feed these list of proteins to String database for finding scores of connectivity from PPI network and co expression profile. You can use that information to rank your proteins in worst case scenario and run standard pathway analysis tools. Hope this is suitable for you.