First time trying out HISAT2 and I'm having a problem here, even with the pre-made indices for GRCH38.
$ hisat2 -x /share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran -1 /home/echang/PANCANCER-030817-JE3-35880845/KTP-10-43736695/KTP-10_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz -2 /home/echang/PANCANCER-030817-JE3-35880845/KTP-10-43736695/KTP-10_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz -S tmp.sam
Error follows
Could not locate a HISAT2 index corresponding to basename "/share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran"
Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1)
Command: /home/echang/software/hisat2-2.1.0/hisat2-align-s --wrapper basic-0 -S tmp.sam -1 /tmp/31969.inpipe1 -2 /tmp/31969.inpipe2 /share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran
(ERR): hisat2-align exited with value 1
The contents of the grch38_tran
$ ls /share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran
genome_tran.1.ht2 genome_tran.3.ht2 genome_tran.5.ht2 genome_tran.7.ht2
genome_tran.2.ht2 genome_tran.4.ht2 genome_tran.6.ht2 genome_tran.8.ht2
I thought perhaps the genome_tran.*.ht2
needed to change to grch38_tran.*.ht2
, but it still does not work after renaming. I've since untarred the original file again without change. Was there a step I missed? Where can I find HISTAT2_INDEXES
-x <hisat2-idx>
The basename of the index for the reference genome. The basename is the name of any of the index files up to but not including the final .1.ht2 / etc. hisat2 looks for the specified index first in the current directory, then in the directory specified in the HISAT2_INDEXES environment variable.
"/share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran " maybe has some problem. you could try to change the path into "~/share/projects/RNASeq/data/reference/GRCh38/grch38_tran". Totally, you should know its correct directory.
That's not the same.
is shorthand for your home directory, while/share
is likely to exist on the root. Note that this question also already has an answer.Hi i have the same problem i tried the path from here it dose not work for me. would like your kindly help pleas :)
Could not locate a HISAT2 index corresponding to basename "/grch38_tran/genome_tran" Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1) Command: hisat2-align-s -x /grch38_tran/genome_tran -U DE1a_subsample_trimmed.fastq.gz -S DE1a_subsample_mapped.sam
What does
ls -lh /grch38_tran/genome_tran*
show?it is actually just
ls -lh /grch38_tran
shows "No such file or directory".but it is decently in there!
Hi and thanks, I tried using the whole phtw and it worked, this error is gone but the code still doesn't work now I just have one more error
I would appreciate further help please
The command now is
and i gate back
Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1)
Did you make projectgrcm38_tran index yourself?
Run HISAT2 directly like so
You need to use
if you have a single data file.-U
option is where you have multiple filenames listed in another file.actually I already tried it without the U:
hisat2-align-s -x grcm38_tran/genome_tran -1 DE1a_subsample_trimmed.fastq -S DE1a_subsample_mapped.sam
and I think it worked (I got some kind of sam file, that's calledDE1a_subsample_mapped.sam
) but I'm not sure that there really was a proper mapping.In this way as you mentioned:
hisat2-align-s -x grcm38_tran/genome_tran -1 DE1a_subsample_trimmed.fastq -S DE1a_subsample_mapped.sam
Returns it:
Error: 1 mate files/sequences were specified with -1, but 0 mate files/sequences were specified with -2. The same number of mate files/ sequences must be specified with -1 and -2. Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1) Command: hisat2-align-s -x grcm38_tran/genome_tran -1 DE1a_subsample_trimmed.fastq -S DE1a_subsample_mapped.sam