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7.7 years ago
When I use bedGraphToBigWig program to transform the bdg file generated from MACS2 to a bigwig file, I faced with a big problem as shown below. invalid unsigned integer: "html>"
did anyone know how to fix this problem? Much appreciate.
what are the outputs of
the macs2 will generate bedGraph file in default mode, isn't it? That is the source of my bgd file
again, please, show us the outputs of the two command lines.
ChIP_calling_treat_pileup.bgd is the file I used for bedGraphToBigWig; BTW, I still don't quite understand your meaning, since I don't have any outputs but invalid unsigned integer: "html>".
Really apologize for this.
Run the commands exactly like @Pierre gave above and copy/paste what gets printed on screen here. Use your own file name instead of
below.file the_file_generated_by_macs2.bgd
OKOK,I got it, here is the outputs:
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It sounds like one of your input files is not what you expect (and that you accidentally downloaded an html file instead of a bed file)
Oh, I got it, perhaps it could be the hg19.chrom.size file, since the bgd (bedGraph) file was generated by macs2 program, it won't be an html file actually. I will try it tomorrow. Hope it can solve the problem
Thanks!I solve the problem!!! Much appreciate!