Hello there!
I am a total newbie in CWL and I'm struggling to write a simple workflow counting words in input file and writing the number (and the number only!) in output file. To remove the file name from wc output I wrote this:
cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
class: ShellCommandRequirement
type: File
type: File
glob: output/output
stdout: output/output
baseCommand: wc
- valueFrom: '-w'
shellQuote: false
position: 1
- valueFrom: input_file
shellQuote: false
position: 2
- valueFrom: '|'
shellQuote: false
position: 3
- valueFrom: 'awk'
shellQuote: false
position: 4
- valueFrom: '"'
shellQuote: false
position: 5
- valueFrom: '{print $1;}'
shellQuote: false
position: 6
- valueFrom: '"'
shellQuote: false
position: 7
class: File
path: input/input
And I got error mapSubject '%s' value '%s' is not a dict and does not have a mapPredicate
What does it mean? What am I doing wrong?
Hello gultagr,
Can you edit your question and reformat your code? There should be a button in the interface that looks like "101 010"
Where is the bioinformatics part of your question?
Hello b.nota,
BioStars is the official Q&A site for the Common Workflow Language project -- this is done with permission and approval of Istvan Albert.
I added code markup to your post for increased readability. You can do this by selecting the text and clicking the 101010 button. When you compose or edit a post that button is in your toolbar, see image below: