I'm running into "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error when running a workflow with (or without) snakemake. I've used the same data, same tools and same parameters on several machines without a problem before.
Now the problem arises on a Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine (4 CPU, 8Go RAM), when executing sickle. I've noticed that it depends on the parameters that I use, even when I'm specifying parameters that are supposed to be the default ones.
root@vm0083:~/mydisk/ChIP-seq_SE_GSE20870# sickle se -f fastq/GSM521934/GSM521934.fastq -t sanger -o sickle.fastq -q 20 -l 20
FastQ records kept: 2449731
FastQ records discarded: 1137314
root@vm0083:~/mydisk/ChIP-seq_SE_GSE20870# sickle se -f fastq/GSM521934/GSM521934.fastq -t sanger -o sickle.fastq -q 20 --length-threshold 20
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
root@vm0083:~/mydisk/ChIP-seq_SE_GSE20870# sickle se -f fastq/GSM521934/GSM521934.fastq -t sanger -o sickle.fastq --qual-threshold 20 -l 20
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Parameters names and default values:
root@vm0083:~/mydisk/ChIP-seq_SE_GSE20870# sickle se -h
sickle: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: sickle se [options] -f <fastq sequence file> -t <quality type> -o <trimmed fastq file>
-f, --fastq-file, Input fastq file (required)
-t, --qual-type, Type of quality values (solexa (CASAVA < 1.3), illumina (CASAVA 1.3 to 1.7), sanger (which is CASAVA >= 1.8)) (required)
-o, --output-file, Output trimmed fastq file (required)
-q, --qual-threshold, Threshold for trimming based on average quality in a window. Default 20.
-l, --length-threshold, Threshold to keep a read based on length after trimming. Default 20.
-x, --no-fiveprime, Don't do five prime trimming.
-n, --trunc-n, Truncate sequences at position of first N.
-g, --gzip-output, Output gzipped files.
--quiet, Don't print out any trimming information
--help, display this help and exit
--version, output version information and exit
I would like to know if this issue is likely related to sickle itself, or the VM I'm using, or something else...
Thank you
Verify that you input files are in the correct format. A lot of tools don't do proper parsing.
They look normal, and again I've ran this tool on these specific files lots of times before.
My guess is that the virtual machine has much less CPU and RAM allowed to be used, therefore yielding the segmentation fault.
The VM has 4 CPUs and 8Go of RAM, and I've ran it successfully in smaller VMs before. Also, I don't get why just changing the name of the parameter is generating this type of error.
Could you paste the code block where these arguments are parsed? (if python argparse, perhaps paste also the head of the script where they are declared!)
Are you sure this is the code block? This seems to me the code section where they check if quality and length are a positive number before doing analysis.
It should be something like:
I'm sorry but I'm not the one who wrote Sickle, that's why I actually need help...
Programs are made on test data. Actual data are different, and not always working in programs that should be made for every kind of data. I modify scripts all the time to adapt them to my needs! Hope this is not the case, but sometimes you just happen to spot a bug.