Condition A, B, C I have 3 biological replicates, Each biological replicates have 4 Technical replicates
Below is just one Example 1KO-1a.fastq.gz 1KO-1b.fastq.gz 1KO-1c.fastq.gz 1KO-1d.fastq.gz 2KO-1a.fastq.gz 2KO-1b.fastq.gz 2KO-1c.fastq.gz 2KO-1d.fastq.gz 3KO-1a.fastq.gz 3KO-1b.fastq.gz 3KO-1c.fastq.gz 3KO-1d.fastq.gz
I tried to perform this analysis as below:
Genome Alignment : STAR 4 Technical replicates same time for each biological replicate
STAR --genomeDir reference/mm10ens84/STARindex/ --readFilesIn data/1KO-1a.fastq.gz,data/1KO-1b.fastq.gz,data/1KO-1c.fastq.gz,data/1KO-1d.fastq.gz,data/2KO-1a.fastq.gz,data/2KO-1b.fastq.gz,data/2KO-1c.fastq.gz,data/2KO-1d.fastq.gz,data/3KO-1a.fastq.gz,data/3KO-1b.fastq.gz,data/3KO-1c.fastq.gz,data/3KO-1d.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix alignment_STAR/HFD-KO1 --outFilterMultimapNmax 1 --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --twopassMode Basic --runThreadN 15
Result : 1 Bam aligned file for each biological replicate
HTSEQ : Count
htseq-count -s no -r pos -t exon -f bam -s no -a 0 alignment_STAR/KO1hq.bam reference/mm10ens84/mm10ens84.gtf >KO1hq.counts
Correct me if I am wrong and suggest me how to proceed ahead.
Thank you in advance for your suggestion and time
How does STAR distinguish and group biological and technical replicates?
This is an interesting example, because if that works, it is not clear from the documentation how to achieve this, and should be clarified.
From the manual:
The only mention of that STAR might accept comma separated lists of replicates is found under a different option:
I have seen the comma separated input work before, but I think the manual needs some clarification.
Yeah, pretty sure OP's example doesn't actually work.
Another comment: are you sure that your protocol is not strand specific?
-s no -r pos -t exon -f bam -s no
also you have doubled the parameter, be careful when trying out different combinations, to specify each parameter only once to avoid confusion, like in-s no -r pos -t exon -f bam -s yes
, which one takes precedence?Thank you for all your valuable insight's. I'm naive in this analysis and with many experts in the field viewing these queries, I would be extremely grateful if any of you can suggest me the workflow with commands to analyse Technical and biological replicates from Fastq -> DEGs in different time points or different links (tutorials) associated with similar situation.
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when responding to existing posts to keep threads logically organized.Take a look at DESeq2 vignette for examples of how to analyze RNAseq data.