Hi guys,
I need to identify insertions of specific sequences in my genomes. I have WGS data with read length of 250 nucl. Previously I was working on identification of large sequences insertions and simply looked for discordantly mapped reads for that using bowtie2 and bbmap. Now I am looking for sequences that are shorter than read length. As I want these data to be comparable to my previous computations I want to use bowtie2 for alignment again. As far as I understand, I should use local mode. I've tried this, but got alignment of very short parts of my reads. Is there a possibility to require the alignment length to be equal to reference sequence length? When I identify the reads that are mapped to the reference sequences, I will find where are their pairs mapped to the reference genome to find the insertion site, is it a correct strategy?
Thanks id advance!
Thank you! Actually they are almost the size of a read (~230 nucl), is it a small indel?
I think delly and lumpy should both be able to detect indels 200-300 bp without much trouble
Great! Thank you, Tim!
230bp ! Looks more like tandem duplication than indel. Just a guess.