Hello everyone! I am trying to use STAR to align ~40 million reads (paired-end, stranded) to mm10 genome using the following command:
/software/STAR-STAR_2.4.0i/bin/Linux_x86_64/STAR --genomeDir /databank/STAR/$genome --readFilesIn $filename\_1.fastq $filename\_2.fastq --runThreadN 10 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outFileNamePrefix $filename
My computer is relatively powerful - Intel XeonR CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00 GHz x 18, 64 bits, 32 CPU, 31.4GiB RAM (and 32GiB Swap).
The speed of the mapping is quite low from the beginning (12 M/hr) and is decreasing over time (5 and lower). I can see that the swap memory gradually is being more and more used, up to 50% (which as I understand means that the computer is running out of RAM and starts to use very slow swap memory instead). The main RAM is used up to 90%.
I ran the very same command regularly on a less powerful computer before (16 CPU instead of 32, memory is the same) and it worked fine. The mapping speed is usually from 50-200 M/hr. I really don't understand what can be causing this problem, why this script takes up all the RAM on this computer but not on the other one. Does anyone have any suggestions of what could be the problem and how I could try to fix it? Any help will be very very much appreciated!
Is it writing to a non-responsive network mount point?
Hm, it shouldn't. I am doing everything locally...
Does your library contain a significant (≥10%) of poly(A)-containing reads? We've seen a few different aligners slow to a crawl under such conditions (although I don't recall if STAR was one of them).
Hm, interesting! My library should not. I am doing nuclear RNA with rRNA depletion, without polyA-enrichment step
Should not ≠ does not. Easy enough to check/eliminate this possibility.
It is true. But I am sure that in my case the problem is not in in the, let's say, incompatibility of STAR with my particular data. I have already successfully aligned these data, using exactly the same script (500% sure), on a different computer which is supposed to have less computing power without absolutely any problems. And I am still trying to figure out if there are some hidden configurations of STAR or memory usage or smth like this on my new computer that crashes STAR