Say I have sequenced the whole-genome of an individual or set of individuals. I have some task at hand, and need to decide whether I want to just align the reads to e.g. GRCh38, or if I want to de novo assemble each whole-genome. I imagine there are pros and cons with both methods, and as such which method I should choose depends on the task at hand. Is this the case? What are the differences?
What task do you want to fulfill? I think it really depends on your task, for example de novo assembly will make you loose information about variants or depth whereas read alignment would possibly lead to mistakes if you have a lot af repeat regions...
Many studies are going with the two approaches in parallel
Ok, so de novo assembly is good for finding for example structural variants and large CNVs, but alignment to a reference is better for SNPs and small indels and CNVs.
Can you elaborate a little bit on how information about depth is lost?
Using both approaches in parallel makes a lot of sense, if one wants to find as many types of variation as possible.
de novo assembly will generate you multifasta files containing your contigs, you'll have larger fragments but without information about variation and depth at a position. However you can retrieve these informations from the alignment you'll do in parallel