Kindly correct me if I am wrong, I checked my data alignment all were >80% and I could see alignment on both strands. Then I used samtools with the below command
samtools view -h -b -q 20 -F 4 AlignedKO1.bam >KO1hq.bam
HTSEQ : Count
htseq-count -r pos -t exon -f bam -a 0 alignment_STAR/KO1hq.bam reference/mm10ens84/mm10ens84.gtf >KO1hq.counts
Followed by DESeq2 I am sharing the design and would like advice and correction if needed for performing the analysis
sampleFiles<- c("KO1a.counts", "KO1b.counts", "KO1c.counts", "KO1d.counts", "KO2a.counts", "KO2b.counts", "KO2c.counts", "KO2d.counts", "KO3a.counts", "KO3b.counts", "KO3c.counts", "KO3d.counts", "WT1a.counts", "WT1b.counts", "WT1c.counts", "WT1d.counts", "WT2a.counts", "WT2b.counts", "WT2c.counts", "WT2d.counts", "WT3a.counts", "WT3b.counts", "WT3c.counts", "WT3d.counts")
sampleNames <- c("KO1a", "KO1b", "KO1c", "KO1d", "KO2a", "KO2b", "KO2c", "KO2d", "KO3a", "KO3b", "KO3c", "KO3d", "WT1a", "WT1b", "WT1c", "WT1d", "WT2a", "WT2b", "WT2c", "WT2d", "WT3a", "WT3b", "WT3c", "WT3d")
sampleCondition <- c("KO1", "KO1", "KO1", "KO1", "KO2", "KO2", "KO2", "KO2", "KO3", "KO3", "KO3", "KO3", "WT1", "WT1", "WT1", "WT1", "WT2", "WT2", "WT2", "WT2", "WT3", "WT3", "WT3", "WT3")
sampleTable <- data.frame(sampleName = sampleNames, fileName = sampleFiles, condition = sampleCondition)
treatments <- c("KO1", "KO2", "KO3", "WT1", "WT2", "WT3")
ddsHTSeq <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = sampleTable, directory = directory, design = ~ condition)
colData(ddsHTSeq)$condition <- factor(colData(ddsHTSeq)$condition, levels = treatments)
I am not sure how to merge the technical replicates eg. "KO1a", "KO1b", "KO1c", "KO1d" into KO1 and how should the design look like. Additionally these are at different time points. Looking forward for suggestions.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Please could you check the second part of the code if it's right before I start the analysis. Thank you sincerely for your suggestion.