I want to make CommandLineTool to wrap the platypus variant caller. Platypus expects to invoked as:
python Platypus.py <arg>
In other words, by default it doesn't have a handy wrapper script. Obviously, I could write one but I thought I ought to be handle a scenario like this in CWL as follows.
In my envar-global.yml I have:
class: EnvVarRequirement
- envName: "PLATYPUS"
envValue: "/path/to/Platypus_0.8.1"
In my platypus.cwl, I have
baseCommand: [python, $PLATYPUS/Platypus.py]
However, when the command is invoked it looks the variable $PLATYPUS is not being resolved but inserted literally into the command line.
[step platyus] start
[job platyus] /stornext/HPCScratch/home/thomas.e/tmp/tmpCOMw0f$ /bin/sh \
-c \
'python' '$PLATYPUS/Platypus.py' '--bamFiles=/stornext/HPCScratch/home/thomas.e/tmp/tmpJtjVOc/stg695d99c7-792c-4f68-87da-62d472cec7c9/S1_R1.fastq.trimmed.human.sam' '--output=S1_R1.fastq.trimmed.human.vcf' '--refFile=/home/thomas.e/home/dev/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa'
python: can't open file '$PLATYPUS/Platypus.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Is the expected behaviour? Is there a correct way to handle this sort of scenario?