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7.5 years ago
I am dooing atac seq data analysis so far what i have done
- I aligned the data with bowtie2
- Removed duplicates
- made bed files out of those bed file
- Did peak calling with Homer using it findPeak command -Now i have list of peak files with respect to various condition . In Homer manual i read a function called findMotifsgenome function , i have some confusion here how do i proceed from here do i have to just give the peak file as it is or I have to process the peak files .
Any suggestion or help would be highly appreciated
okay so i have to convert the peak files into fast and then use MEME? thats what you are suggesting
Yes, that is one reasonable approach...
i have all the peak files but what do i need from the peak file as input to to do MEME becasue it contains field like peak ID chromosome location , fold change etc etc .I dont think i need all those .Do i have to extract some columns from my peak files or i just have to use the whole file?
You need to have a bed file - just use the chromosome, start and end position and get the fasta sequences through bedtools and use MEME.