You should type:
copy the function to a new script "heatmap2" like so:
heatmap2 <- function(...... ## from heatmap
add this line right before the final brace:
then call your same heatmap function but assign it to a variable:
t <- heatmap2(dm[pvals<0.06,])
This will output the row names used for the heatmap into variable t in your local environment. You can repeat for column names if you'd like, or add the variable assignment explicitly to the function.
I'm not sure what you mean about row names by cluster.
Here is the full code for the heatmap2 function below. I'm not sure if the copy/paste will work from Biostar's site. It will be super messy in any case, so I recommend doing it yourself as detailed above:
heatmap2 <- function (x, Rowv = NULL, Colv = if (symm) "Rowv" else NULL,
distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, reorderfun = function(d,
w) reorder(d, w), add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv,
"Rowv"), scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm = TRUE,
margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 +
1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), labRow = NULL,
labCol = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, keep.dendro = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"), ...)
scale <- if (symm && missing(scale))
else match.arg(scale)
if (length(di <- dim(x)) != 2 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix")
nr <- di[1L]
nc <- di[2L]
if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1)
stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns")
if (!is.numeric(margins) || length(margins) != 2L)
stop("'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2")
doRdend <- !identical(Rowv, NA)
doCdend <- !identical(Colv, NA)
if (!doRdend && identical(Colv, "Rowv"))
doCdend <- FALSE
if (is.null(Rowv))
Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)
if (is.null(Colv))
Colv <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)
if (doRdend) {
if (inherits(Rowv, "dendrogram"))
ddr <- Rowv
else {
hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x))
ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr)
if (!is.logical(Rowv) || Rowv)
ddr <- reorderfun(ddr, Rowv)
if (nr != length(rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr)))
stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
else rowInd <- 1L:nr
if (doCdend) {
if (inherits(Colv, "dendrogram"))
ddc <- Colv
else if (identical(Colv, "Rowv")) {
if (nr != nc)
stop("Colv = \"Rowv\" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)")
ddc <- ddr
else {
hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if (symm)
else t(x)))
ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc)
if (!is.logical(Colv) || Colv)
ddc <- reorderfun(ddc, Colv)
if (nc != length(colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc)))
stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
else colInd <- 1L:nc
x <- x[rowInd, colInd]
labRow <- if (is.null(labRow))
if (is.null(rownames(x)))
else rownames(x)
else labRow[rowInd]
labCol <- if (is.null(labCol))
if (is.null(colnames(x)))
else colnames(x)
else labCol[colInd]
if (scale == "row") {
x <- sweep(x, 1L, rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm), check.margin = FALSE)
sx <- apply(x, 1L, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
x <- sweep(x, 1L, sx, "/", check.margin = FALSE)
else if (scale == "column") {
x <- sweep(x, 2L, colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm), check.margin = FALSE)
sx <- apply(x, 2L, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
x <- sweep(x, 2L, sx, "/", check.margin = FALSE)
lmat <- rbind(c(NA, 3), 2:1)
lwid <- c(if (doRdend) 1 else 0.05, 4)
lhei <- c((if (doCdend) 1 else 0.05) + if (!is.null(main)) 0.2 else 0,
if (!missing(ColSideColors)) {
if (!is.character(ColSideColors) || length(ColSideColors) !=
stop("'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)")
lmat <- rbind(lmat[1, ] + 1, c(NA, 1), lmat[2, ] + 1)
lhei <- c(lhei[1L], 0.2, lhei[2L])
if (!missing(RowSideColors)) {
if (!is.character(RowSideColors) || length(RowSideColors) !=
stop("'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)")
lmat <- cbind(lmat[, 1] + 1, c(rep(NA, nrow(lmat) - 1),
1), lmat[, 2] + 1)
lwid <- c(lwid[1L], 0.2, lwid[2L])
lmat[] <- 0
if (verbose) {
cat("layout: widths = ", lwid, ", heights = ", lhei,
"; lmat=\n")
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
on.exit(par(op), add = TRUE)
layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = TRUE)
if (!missing(RowSideColors)) {
par(mar = c(margins[1L], 0, 0, 0.5))
image(rbind(if (revC)
else 1L:nr), col = RowSideColors[rowInd], axes = FALSE)
if (!missing(ColSideColors)) {
par(mar = c(0.5, 0, 0, margins[2L]))
image(cbind(1L:nc), col = ColSideColors[colInd], axes = FALSE)
par(mar = c(margins[1L], 0, 0, margins[2L]))
if (!symm || scale != "none")
x <- t(x)
if (revC) {
iy <- nr:1
if (doRdend)
ddr <- rev(ddr)
x <- x[, iy]
else iy <- 1L:nr
image(1L:nc, 1L:nr, x, xlim = 0.5 + c(0, nc), ylim = 0.5 +
c(0, nr), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
axis(1, 1L:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0,
cex.axis = cexCol)
if (!is.null(xlab))
mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = margins[1L] - 1.25)
axis(4, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0,
cex.axis = cexRow)
if (!is.null(ylab))
mtext(ylab, side = 4, line = margins[2L] - 1.25)
if (!missing(add.expr))
par(mar = c(margins[1L], 0, 0, 0))
if (doRdend)
plot(ddr, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none")
else frame()
par(mar = c(0, 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, margins[2L]))
if (doCdend)
plot(ddc, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none")
else if (!is.null(main))
if (!is.null(main)) {
par(xpd = NA)
title(main, cex.main = 1.5 * op[["cex.main"]])
invisible(list(rowInd = rowInd, colInd = colInd, Rowv = if (keep.dendro &&
doRdend) ddr, Colv = if (keep.dendro && doCdend) ddc))
Thank you for your answer.
How can I get the gene names cluster wiseatleast based upon the broad clusters. for instance say 4 clusters.
thank you.
suppose that i have already downloaded GSE63706 and normalized that and i have a normalized text file now. and i have also a list of probsets (a text file of my interest probsets) in this array...i want to have a heat map showing the expression pattern of my interest probsets in this array, for example in this array i have 4 varieties and different tissues (rind and flesh) and phases (0,10,20,30,40 and 50 days after harvesting). heat maps showing the expression pattern of my probsets in varieties, tissues and phases i mean