Hi All,
I am trying to use vcf-merge. However on my test batch of 6 files, only the first two merge.
vcf-merge ${all_gz_vcfs[*]} | bgzip -c > merged.vcf.gz
My suspicion is that since these VCF files came from three different modifications of ANNOVAR, vcf-merge is not working as intended. Would anybody have have insight towards a possible fix or has ran into this problem before?
Thank you,
what is the output of
The output is my 6 files:
15232.clc.vcf.gz 15233.clc.vcf.gz 15416.vcf.gz 15417.vcf.gz 16198.vcf.gz 16200.vcf.gz
Hi Zihan!
How about
Good luck!
Hey Sergey,
I am new to this, could you elaborate a little more on your solutions, thank you!