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7.6 years ago
I split paired ends data from RNA high throughput sequencing data into two .fastq and then .sam files (using fastq-dump, then hisat2) and want to put that data into featureCounts, but the only sample code I could find in their documentation references only one file. Does anyone know how I can do this or how I should merge my two .sam files?
Thank you so much!
You will have to explain more carefully what you are doing - preferably, showing the commands used. Are the two fastq files from paired-reads? If yes, they should have been mapped together.
If you "put" several files into featureCounts, it will output a table of counts, with one column per bam file. Is that what you want?
The original .sra file fileName.sra was from paired reads.
I first did: $ fastq-dump --split-files fileName.sra
Then (on the two generated files: fileName_1.fastq and fileName_2.fastq): $ hisat2 -x mm10/genome -U fileName_1.fastq -S fileName_1.sam $ hisat2 -x mm10/genome -U fileName_2.fastq -S fileName_2.sam
Now I have the two .sam files and don't know how to proceed from here to put them into featureCounts. Thanks!
Yes, the hisat2 command should use both the fastq files in case of a paired end read sequencing. The resultant .bam file has to be put into featureCounts to get read counts for the features...