Dear friends,
i was doing the trinity assembly, but i made a small mistake that for the --library type parameter, i used the FR, but actually it was RF, till i did the blast that i found the known gene matched to the reverse strand, cause the trinity take times and CPU, can i just reverse the Trinity.fasta file, and no need redo it again? does it works???
thank you so much for your help.
No, you'll need to redo it, but you should get a much better assembly.
i got it, thank you, but your extral advice remind me that actually the quality is not good, even i isolate the llongest unigene, i got over 430,000 transcriptome.
Thats a lot of transcripts, and they are probably highly fragmented. I'm sure you did read trimming before, right ? Check your data with FASTQC before and after trimming too.
yes, i did. trim the adaptor and filter some short or low quality reads, but the trinity result seems no better options, thank you for your patience and your kind reply.
You might try out Bridger
yes, i also considered that, but my colleague suggested me use ingap-cdg, have you ever use that, he told me it really works, and i also did the test, and only left 7,000,000 transcripts, seems good, but i am still doubt about the result.