I'm trying to align a 3.5K-insert mate-pair library using MAQ 0.7.0. From the man page (http://maq.sourceforge.net/maq-manpage.shtml), it is not quite clear to me how exactly MAQ handles the outward orientation of such reads, and how it distinguished paired-end input from mate-pair input. Do I have to pass the files in reverse order, i.e. R.fq F.fq? Do I have to reverse the sequences within the files? Both? Nothing?
Yes. The way it does consensus calling lends itself to read correction. I'm not so much interested in the alignment itself. Also, old doesn't mean bad ;-)
Thanks for the link. I am well aware of several read mappers for MP mapping, I'm really asking specifically about MAQ. I do appreciate your help, though :-)
-a INT Maximum outer distance for a correct read pair [250]
-A INT Maximum outer distance of two RF paied read (0 for disable) [0]
NOTE: Currently, read pairs from Illumina/Solexa long-insert library have RF read orientation. The maximum insert size is set by
option -A. However, long-insert library is also mixed with a small
fraction of short-insert read pairs. -a should also be set correctly.
You supply the reads as is, MAQ will guess by orientation and insert-size if they are paired-reads or mate-pairs.
As you will notice, my question has the exact same link you provided. The specifics I am asking for are not explained on the man page in my opinion. But maybe I'm overlooking something.
Do I have to pass the files in reverse order, i.e. R.fq F.fq? Do I
have to reverse the sequences within the files? Both? Nothing?
In my understanding, you should do nothing, but set -a and -A to reasonable values to your library.
Or you could pre-process you mate-pair files with NxTrim, keep -A 0, and set -a 5000 (or a reasonable maximum, depending on the skills of who prepared the mate-pair libraries).
Or you could pre-process your mate-pairs with NxTrim using the --rf flag, and then set -a 0 -A 5000 for MAQ.
If in doubt, create a small test case, with known proportions of paired-end and mate-pair reads, map the files and examine the results - this should settle your doubts.
Thanks. Hmm, so, there is no input specification of whether it's paired-end or mate-pair. For an input like maq map F.fq R.fq, it simpy checks the relative positions of mapping locations, and accepts F-R as specified by -a, and R-F as specified by -A then?
Is there a specific reason you are using this relatively ancient aligner?
Yes. The way it does consensus calling lends itself to read correction. I'm not so much interested in the alignment itself. Also, old doesn't mean bad ;-)
I never said MAQ was bad :) I have not used MAQ but perhaps suggestions in this thread may help (Aligning Mate Pair Data )
Thanks for the link. I am well aware of several read mappers for MP mapping, I'm really asking specifically about MAQ. I do appreciate your help, though :-)