Hi! I have a few sets of multiple fasta files (mostly genes and huge set of markers) in .fasta formatted with only name tags (no separated description or something) and genome sequence in multiple fasta .fa file (it's formatted similarly as previous as 21 superscaffolds/chromosomes). I also have BLAST files for all the sets against genome in few formats (also tabular/CSV). So I have this genome and all the sequences with corresponding hits, but I'm struggling how to map them on the genome(visualy display as map which will correspond to sequences lenghts). I was already trying few programs but I'm challenging some problems with data size or format. I think there need to be something which can display that data and I was thinking on using R but I'm a newbie and I don't really know how. I'm hoping for your help and suggestion.
circos http://circos.ca/
you could try IGV http://software.broadinstitute.org/software/igv/
I changed your title to make it more specific, I hope it's still accurate.
I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for, but what about this: karyoploteR: uncircle your genomes
karyoploteR looks nice and accurate. It might be hell giving it all the arguments but it's looking like it might get the job done. The problem is I can't install it on my machine. I have R 3.4 and Bioconductor 3.5. I was allready trying on installing packages by hand and updating Bioconductor in R but I'm still getting the same warnings listed below:
Do you happen to know what am I doing wrong?
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The cause is the openssl package, at the root of the dependency tree. Googling
installation of package ‘openssl’ had non-zero exit status
will tell you which system package you need to install, depending on your operating system. e.g.sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
for Ubuntu...I have already tried circos before and it's not exactly doing the job (or maybe it is but I have definitely too many sequences to make it in one table showing all the dependencies). I forgotten about IGV but it's also not very suitable since it's mostly oriented on expression data which I don't have. I would try karyoploteR for now since it's looking most promising. Thanks guys for such fast reply. What I want to obtain is something more like genetic map but incorporating physical position data. Something looking like this: http://www.yourgenome.org/sites/default/files/illustrations/diagram/genetic_mapping_linkage_drosophila_yourgenome.png
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