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7.6 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to STAR and new to genome guided assembly in general; I have more experience with de novo assembly.
I would like to use trinity to assemble my fastq reads against a genome assembly. Am I supposed to supply the .sam file (I guess it would be coordSorted.bam after sorting/coordinating) that was outputted after I used STAR to generate a genome index?
If yes, would I be using the Trinity parameter --genome_guided_bam
Thanks for the help! Nikelle
You can provide the BAM file. I'm not sure if Trinity will complain if it is in SAM format. See here for tutorial. Make sure you sort you BAM/SAM file with
samtools sort
Thanks @st.ph.n, So, is it okay to use the genome index i generated from STAR in my genome guided trinity command?
Yes, the sorted bam file. Snippet from the tutorial page, referenced above:
I am also new to this. I wants to use genome guided function of trinity and I am confused that which file to use as sorted.bam. I have generated bam & Sam files via STAR. I guess bam sorted file is the one which I have to use ? Right? Please confirm ??
Thank you
Regards Chanderkant
@st.ph.n makes this clear right above your comment.
From above: