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7.4 years ago
What does these mean? and what is the significance of score when I use different data source, like PubMed query or Disease query etc. "SUID","coexpression","cooccurrence","databases","experiments","interaction","name","neighborhood","score","selected","shared interaction","shared name","textmining" Please help me.
These are most likely not from Cytoscape but from the database or file you got your data from.
Yaa, right. what is the significance of coexpression, score, cooccurence and score?
These can mean different things for different data sets. It depends on the definition used to compute the values. A score can be anything. Superficially the terms are self-explanatory, e.g. co-expression for things that are expressed together but what "expressed together" mean and how this is measured depends on the data set (is it temporal co-expression or tissue co-expression or something else ?). At this stage, I think it is essential you familiarize yourself with the data you're working with for example by reading the relevant papers.
ohkk, Thank you so much