Hi everyone, I want to run a perl script for multiple input files. I have searched a lot, but could not find any relevant solution for that. The script requires 2 input files and 1 output file; here is the first few lines
use warnings;
use strict;
unless (@ARGV == 3) {die;}
my $in = $ARGV[0]; #merged bsnp table loci
my $pop = $ARGV[1];# list of population with ind \t pop
my $out = $ARGV[2]; #name of out file
The first input file is my snp_table, second input file is my population file, and the output file should be an empty file. When I have only 1 snp_table, simply I use this command to run the script:
./my_script.pl snp.tab.table population.txt results.out.txt
where snp.tab.table and population.txt are input files and results.out.txt is the empty output file.
The problem that I am struggling with, is that now I want to "run this script in parallel for 500 SNP_table files" and store the out put of each file in a separate output file (the popukation.txt is the same for all SNP files). I am trying something like this:
for file in snp_table_files/*
./script.pl “$file” population.txt "outfiles/$(basename "$file” .txt).out”
in the command above, I have stored all of the SNP_tables in snp_table_files/ directory and created an empty directory for output files outfiles/. , but my code does not work. Could you please help me with that? any help or suggested is appreciated!
What is the error you get? Empty files?
When you say in parallel, do you mean in parallel? Because your code runs them sequentially.
parallel or sequentially does not really matter, I want to run this script for 500 files. I do not get any error message by runnign this code but nothing happens. I find my output directory empty.. Do you have any idea how can do this job?
With so many "quotes" involved, I'd debug the code as BASH commandLine parsing is full with quirks. So,
PS: I am almost sure it's a parsing issue. Your
line is may be producing more than three ARGVs and since you have used
unless (@ARGV == 3) {die;}
, the program is exiting without doing anything.Yeah I'm certain your output file specification is probably breaking something. Try something like: