Hi all!
Long time...I got pretty bussy learning Pandas to work with dataframes in a decent way , just miss learn more deep python and unix comands....step by step
I try to do manually mapping virus like VIP pipeline just to learn how they do, the case is get stock at this step, on db_instaler.sh stands
esearch -db nuccore -query "Viruses[Organism] NOT cellular organisms[ORGN] NOT wgs[PROP] NOT gbdiv syn[prop] AND (srcdb_refseq[PROP] OR nuccore genome samespecies[Filter])" | efetch -format fasta > all_virus.fna
Asume the code its for download virus sequences with esearch...Its the first time I install and use this utility
cd ~
perl -MNet::FTP -e \
'$ftp = new Net::FTP("ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov", Passive => 1);
$ftp->login; $ftp->binary;
gunzip -c edirect.tar.gz | tar xf -
rm edirect.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/edirect
I open terminal and type the sample above or the one from VIP:
esearch -db protein -query "lycopene cyclase" | efetch -format fasta
and gives me the next asnwer:
You have requested a page which is not open to the public. Your request did not meet the criteria required to grant access to this page. If you believe that you are being denied access to the page in error, send an e-mail problem report to
I do something wrong? its like I go to restricted area?
Thanks for the help
esearch -db protein -query "lycopene cyclase" | efetch -format fasta
I get the expected protein sequences. No errors.
Thank genomax, must be st wrong in the installation or in some crazy way they bann me, will try in my other O.S