The numbers you are looking at in the variation table on the gene page in Ensembl are the number of different consequences that affects the transcripts of the gene by variations that fall within it. In other words, one single variation can have multiple consequences on one transcript (i.e. 'intronic' and 'essential splice site') and it can also have different consequences depending on what transcript you're looking at (e.g. 'intronic' in one transcript but 'non-synonymous coding' in another). The table summarizes these numbers.
To get just the unique variations that falls within this gene, the API script provided above will work fine. If you need the variation consequences for each variation on each transcript, you can do something like this:
my $species='human';
my $reg = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
$reg->load_registry_from_db(-host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org',-user => 'anonymous');
my $gene_adaptor =$reg->get_adaptor($species, 'core','Gene');
my $gene = $gene_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id('ENSG00000133895');
my $tv_adaptor = $reg->get_adaptor($species,'variation','transcriptvariation');
my $tvs = $tv_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Transcripts($gene->get_all_Transcripts());
foreach my $tv (@{$tvs}) {
print join("\t",($tv->variation_feature->variation_name(),$tv->transcript_stable_id,join(",",@{$tv->consequence_type()}))) . "\n";
Hope this helps
/Pontus Larsson - Ensembl Variation
PS. Note that in the Ensembl pipeline, we do some consistency checking on the data we import. Prior to release 61, we deleted data for variations that fail these checks from the database but starting from release 61, we just flag them and keep the data. By default, these flagged variations are not displayed in the web browser so they won't be included in the variation consequence table. These flagged variations can be viewed in the location view by turning on the 'Failed variations' track. The default API behaviour is also to not return these variations but this behaviour can be changed (see the variation API tutorial for details). The MySQL query given above will return these flagged variations and you would need to do a left join to the 'failed_variation' table to properly filter them out.
very interesting Pontus, thanks. (And welcome on Biostar)
Wonderful! Now, everything makes sense!!! Gonna flag this as the right one for the excelent explanation. But, everyone contributed to made my day!!! YEAH! Variations in hand right now via perl API and SQL!!! Certainly will include a mention to Biostar in the paper acknowledgement!