Hey guys, currently I am trying to use STAR and during the process following issue occured:
After building the genome index with following command:
$ STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --runThreadN <# cpus> --genomeDir <genome output="" directory=""> --genomeFastaFiles <#input Genome FASTA file>
I got a 'genomeParameters.txt' file with following content:
(....) sjdbInsertSave Basic
Now as I tried to execute the mapping step:
$ STAR --genomeDir <directory with="" the="" genome="" index=""> --runThreadN <# cpus> --readFilesIn <fastq file=""> --outFileNamePrefix <outputprefix>
I get following error message in my shell:
Jun 20 10:41:14 ..... Started STAR run EXITING: FATAL INPUT ERROR: unrecoginzed parameter name "sjdbInsertSave" in input "genomeParameters.txt" SOLUTION: use correct parameter name (check the manual)
I am quite new to this whole environment and also after checking the manual I'm still stuck. The parameter 'sjdbInsertSave Basic' should be ok or not? If anybody has a solution or an idea for further research I'd be grateful!
Please, add a little formating to your question. Write the commands and output in separated lines in order to make the question more readable, and therefore the users could help you more easily.
You're right, sorry!