I have predicted Y-DNA haplogroup for individual samples using the offline version of Vadim Urasin’s YPredictor (http://predictor.ydna.ru/). Now I want to make a phylogenetic tree like the one that is shown here http://imgur.com/a/UULsu . I have data in following format(first few lines)
Haplogroup DYS393 DYS390 DYS19 DYS391 DYS385a DYS385b DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389II DYS458 DYS437 DYS448 DYS449 DYS460 Y_GATA_H4 DYS456 DYS576 DYS570 DYS438 DYS481 DYS635 DYS533 DYS643
j1 12 23 14 10 14 16 16 9 13 11 29 18 11 22 30 10 12 15 16 16 15 22 22 12 10
I2a (xI2a1) 19 24 15 10 13 14 13 11 13 11 29 17 12 21 28 9 11 17 17 19 14 28 21 12 10
R1a 13 25 17 11 17 14 12 11 13 11 31 40 12 20 33 12 13 15 17 19 14 23 23 12 10
I2a (xI2a1) 19 24 15 10 12 14 13 11 13 11 29 17 12 23 28 9 13 17 17 18 14 28 21 12 11
R1b 12 24 14 18 19 14 12 12 13 13 29 16 12 19 27 11 13 17 18 17 15 22 23 11 11
I2a (xI2a1) 13 24 15 10 12 14 13 11 13 11 29 17 12 24 28 9 11 17 17 18 14 28 21 12 10
I have tried this using ape but ape just draws a tree based on a given dataset. Is there any package that draws the tree after comparing the results of given samples with Y-DNA haplgroup tree?
How would you define the distance between two entries, and what is represented by your data? The link to the predictor won't work.