How to paralellize fastq-dump command when reading SRA IDs from a .txt file?
here is my working code without paralell, it downloads a pair of fastq files:
list=`cat SRAIdFromPythonInput.txt` # list of the SRA record file IDs.
for i in $list
do echo $i
./fastq-dump --split-files $i -v
How to rewrite it using parallel GNU to make it download all the data with SRA IDs written in .txt file, not a single pair of fastqs? How to apply pattern "cat list | parallel "do-something1 {} config-{} ; do-something2 < {}" | process-output" to these codes?
I'm too lazy to check/test: what would be the generated files for one given ID ?
2 fastqs with SRA ids as the names
what would be the names ? ID.fq.gz ? ID.fastq ? ID_R1.fq ? ID_R1.fastq.gz ?
ID.fastq a pair of them, I use renaming code in the next step
SRR5656566_1.fastq and SRR5656566_2.fastq