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7.4 years ago
Deepak Tanwar
Hello everyone,
I would like to create some small test fastq files and small reference genomes to test my pipeline.
What I have?
Few bam
What I want?
files from mybam files
reference genome
to align thosefastq
For the conversion of BAM to FASTQ, you can use Bamtools: bedtools bamtofastq [OPTIONS] -i <bam> -fq <fastq> (you can check the documentation http://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/bamtofastq.html).
To make a reference genome you can get the consensus sequence of your reads using Samtools. It is going to be something like this: samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools call -c | vcfutils.pl vcf2fq > cns.fq (based on http://www.htslib.org/doc/samtools.html).
If you need a smaller genome in general to align your reads against to it, you can get a subsequent of the genome of your interest.
samtools fastq
will do the fastq conversion, if you want to stay all withinsamtools
(to get the fastq) andtadpole.sh
(to assemble those into a reference) BBMap Suite may have you covered.