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7.4 years ago
I want to create a database consisting of all many nucleotide sequence fasta files in blast+ linux tool ,but the tool only allows me to create database for every fasta file,so i will get multiple databases but not a single one,Is there any way i can achieve task.
Make sure each fasta file has unique headers, that there are no duplicates across each file.
Now if i want to add a new file to the database,i won't be able to do so
You can create a new source file and then create a new database from that.
so you are saying that i have to concatenate all files with new one and then make database again,but this method is untidy.I want to create a single database which will allow me to add new files or sequences easily to it .The number of files or sequences is huge.
In that case you could use
utility to aggregate individual databases.It may still become unwieldy if you intend to do this multiple times. Check
blastdb_aliastool -help
for more info.