Who is interested in SVs, human genomics/clinical data, Texas, can program?
Lets work together!
Apply: https://fritzsedlazeck.github.io/
Applications are invited for a computational postdoctoral research position in my lab at Human Genomes Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas). The researcher will develop novel methods for large scale DNA-seq, RNA-Seq and other omics data related to human, but also other organisms. Potential projects include SVs detection, SVs impact estimation and population scale research.
Ideal applicant will have:
- A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or related fields with a dissertation related to Computational Biology.
- Strong programming and analytical skills, including experience with next-generation sequencing data. -
- Published at least two first author papers in English and demonstrated written communication skills in English.
To apply, please email me a letter of interest and current CV at fritz.sedlazeck@bmc.edu