I have a vcf file (for "a" type of samples) a_filtered_ann10.vcf annotated for 10 genes by bcftools and consists of 5 samples and similarly b_filtered_ann10.vcf . I have visualized both the vcf files in IGV and can see the variation with respect to the reference.
Now, I would like to retrieve only those positions from each file which are similar among the samples but different from the reference.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
is part ofSnpEff
distribution and I tried annotating my variants usingSnpEff
but it showed error:unknown input vcf format
and hence, I usedbcftools
for annotation (where I did not find such issue). Therefore, I want to use non-SnpEff based solution.Would bcftools view work if min alternate allele frequency is set to 1.0 ?
Maybe you can just filter all non variant genotypes of your vcf :
Then you will have only variants with all samples being homozygote or heterozygote.