Hi, I am using HIAST2, Stringtie and DEseq to do differential expression analysis. When I runned DEseq2, I got an error like that Error in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) : some values in assay are negative
So I checked my input (counting files), it shows
X sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4
[97291,] "ENSG00000235759" " 0" " 0" " 0" " 0"
[97292,] "ENSG00000235754" " 0" " 0" " 0" " 0"
[97293,] "ENSG00000235756" " 0" " 0" " 9" " 2"
[97294,] "ENSG00000235757" " 0" " 0" " 0" " 0"
[97295,] "MSTRG.19084" " 3" " 3" " 12" " 11"
[97296,] "MSTRG.32274" " 0" " 0" " 0" " 0"
It seems there are a space behind every numbers. I don't know why they are there and how can I get rid of them? Thanks,
How did you generate the table you are showing us? Add all commands.
I used prepDE.py to generate the reads counting data.
generate ballgown
I've done what I could to reformat your post so the command render in a meaningful way. I also fixed what I presume was a type in step 2 (an extra ). There's one remaining issue in step 4 (ballgown) where it looks like your full command didn't get pasted in. I don't know what your full command was, so I can't fix that.