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7.4 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am trying to visualize the expected admixture proportions inferred by fastStructure by using python distruct.py This is the command that I am running:
python /global/software/faststructure/faststructure_20150319/distruct.py -K 5 --input=${GENO} --output=${OUT}
But I get this error message which I could not figure out what is wrong ...!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/global/software/faststructure/faststructure_20150319/distruct.py", line 162, in <module>
admixture, population_indices, population_labels = get_admixture_proportions(params)
File "/global/software/faststructure/faststructure_20150319/distruct.py", line 60, in get_admixture_proportions
handle = open('%s.%d.meanQ'%(params['inputfile'],params['K']),'r')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/shsoudi/H_annuus_GWA_2016/faststructure/output_file_random1_10k_RUN2_distruct/random1_10K_genotype.5.meanQ'
Does anyone has any clue to help me out to figure out the solution and run it. I am quite stuck ... I have checked all of the directions and input files. Everything is OK. Any help is really appreciated
are you sure that this file
Yes, I am quite sure. I've checked many times;
I'm having the exact same issue. Have you figured out why?