{tl;dr} looking for useful tools for 3'UTR dynamic expression detection at transcriptomic data
I have been working with RNAseq data, looking for different events like alternative splicing. Now I have a question about the 3'UTR shortening/lengthening between 2 conditions on humans.
I have been using R language, but also trying new tools.
By now I have been using "roar" R package, which can be found at Bioconductor repository. It's promising, but I might need to overlift the inbuilt GTF which is hg19, to hg38 genome (my reference genome).
roar's bioconductor: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/roar.html
roar's paper: https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-016-1254-8
Im also trying a sliding window (R) from terminal exons, but its heuristic and I have no experience at sliding windows, so I suppose it will take me some time until I improve it.
Some info about it (not my blog): http://coleoguy.blogspot.com.uy/2014/04/sliding-window-analysis.html
I think this may work, but I also think you might know something useful, or even better, for this job,
Thanks in advance!
Hey I had found this tool called "APATrap" which seems to work pretty good, and has comparations with DaParse and ChangePoint. The package "roar" was good for a first impression, but its still under development, I guess it gave me little information about the most expressed APAs, but little information or bad signals about those with poor expression. I even spotted some APAs that were not considered. But this is pretty normal since i did it using a Overlifted hg19 to hg38 GTF, from APADB_2, which may lead to incomplete outputs, limiting the insights.
I give you a link for APAtrap information: https://omictools.com/apatrap-tool paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29360928
Hello, and thanks for your recommendation. Btw, what did you mean with "cf"?
Lets stay in touch, i'm glad to collaborate.
Sorry, cf means "compared with" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cf.