I did meta-analysis by metaRNAseq package,it used adj p-value( method="BH"),should I convert adj p-value to fdr adj p-value or not?
if yes,what package do you suggest?
What you think are two different values are actually the same thing. Use the p value that you already have. It has already been adjusted for FDR by BH, stands for Benjamini Hochberg method for false discovery rate adjustment. You are fine.
If it used BH it is already FDR. You can give a look at the documentation of p.adjust here
I don't understand the question. You get a FDR adjusted p out of your pipeline, so why further converting it?
no,I got adjusted p-value. I mean should I convert them to FDR adj p-value for high accuracy?or adjusted p-value have high accuracy?