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7.4 years ago
I have 3 .CEL files which are replicates. Im trying to get the diffrentially expressed genes between them but when I reach this line : "celfiles.filtered <- nsFilter(celfiles.normalise, require.entrez=TRUE, remove.dupEntrez=TRUE)"
I get this error: " Error in rowQ(eSet, floor(0.25 * numSamp)) : cannot calculate order statistic on object with 3 columns".
I'm trying to filter the probes after normalizing them to proceed to analyze them using statistical values.
I tried searching for this error but I couldn't reach anywhere so please any help.
what does celfiles.normalise contain and what is class and structure of celfiles.normalise?
Perhaps you should only have row.names and values, for each file? How are your files composed, what do the columns contain?