Dear team
I am analysing AS events in Arabidopsis thaliana using SUPPA. I predicted AS_events using generateEvents option. For calculating PSI (next step), it requires Transcript expression file. But I do not know from where I can get the Transcript expression file for my sample? Can anyone help me in this issue? Thank you in advance
In SUPPA documentation, They have given the following explanation;
The transcript expression file is a tab separated file where each line provides the estimated abundance of each transcript (ideally in TPM units). This file might contain multiple columns with the expression values in different samples. The expression file must have a header with the naming of the different expression fields, i.e., the sample name of each expression value.
An example of a transcript expression file for one single sample:
transcript1 <expression>
transcript1 <expression>
transcript1 <expression>
A transcript expression file with multiple samples:
sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4
transcript1 <expression> <expression> <expression> <expression>
transcript2 <expression> <expression> <expression> <expression>
transcript3 <expression> <expression> <expression> <expression>
What does PSI stand for?
It refers to the magnitude of splicing change (ΔPSI) in the case of SUPPA
If you don't have RNAseq reads to map, you don't have an expression profile in TPM. You might get it from microarrays. How is your experiment set up?
I have the bam format of my files. I am looking for AE in different organs of At. for this analysis, I am using SUPPA.
featureCounts, htseq, cufflinks just to name a few!
Output of featureCount is
But from this how can I get transcript expression file?
I am not here to suggest you commands to copy-paste in your terminal: there are manuals, literature, file formats and specifications that you have to read to understand what is needed for you.
Quoting you:
From the output you pasted here you have all you need. Plus, I am pretty sure that there is a function in featureCounts to convert to expression in TPM or FPKM (better the first).
Hi mail2steff,
I am doing a similar kind of analysis in rice but am an error after running the following command: python generateEvents -i ../../../Splicing/Alternate_Acceptor_and_Donor/all.gff3 -o -e SE SS MX RI FL -f ioe
The error is: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 14, in <module> import significanceCalculator as diffSplice File "/Backup/Splicing/Suppa/SUPPA-master/", line 15, in <module> from lib.diff_tools import multiple_conditions_analysis File "/Backup/Splicing/Suppa/SUPPA-master/lib/", line 30 print(prefix, " ", "%d / %d. " % (i+1, lst_len), "%.2f%% completed." % ((i/lst_len)*100), end="\r", flush=True) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Can you please help me with the same?