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7.5 years ago
Hi, I have about 93 fasta file that I would like to combine in a single bigger one without losing any sequence in the process. I had a look around but I have only seen perl or bash, and I would like to do this with python. Any suggestions on how I can do this, please?
use command line :
cat * > all.fasta
When you specify exacting requirements like this you should also say why. This can't be an assignment since it is too simple a problem to need python. Perhaps you are not telling us the complete story?
Sorry to disappoint you but I use python as my prefer language, and the one I understand the most.
Coding in Python can be beneficial in many ways. I myself, code in Python. However, command-line tools will make a task easier, and faster than you could do with Python. In Linux, these are essential to a bioinformatician.