Dear All,
I am trying to setup PSIPRED to run a secondary structure prediction but the file is not detailed enough for a beginner like me to setup and run PSIPRED. I am trying to use it with BLAST+.
I am on a Linux Ubuntu 17.04 operating system, and the following are the steps I take to try and setup PSIPRED. There seems to be missing programs that I am not sure how to install or find where they are as well as missing commands:
sudo apt install ncbi-blast+ #OK: Install BLAST+
wget #OK: Get the latest PSIPRED
tar xzvf psipred.4.01.tar.gz #OK: Extract the latest PSIPRED
rm psipred.4.01.tar.gz #OK: Remove the the latest PSIPRED .tar.gz download
cd psipred/src #OK: Go to source code directory
make #OK: Compile PSIPRED binaries
make install #OK: Compile PSIPRED binaries
cd .. #OK: Go back to PSIPRED top level directory
wget #OK: Download the latest uniref90 database
gunzip -v uniref90.fasta.gz #OK: Uncompress the latest uniref90 database
bin/pfilt uniref90.fasta > uniref90filt #ERROR HERE: pfilt not found. Cannot find where the pfilt program is and cannot find from where to install it from
formatdb -t uniref90filt -i uniref90filt #ERROR HERE: formatdb not found. Cannot find where the formatdb program is and cannot find from where to install it from
makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in uniref90filt -out uniref90filt #OK: Not sure what this does but it works fine
./BLAST+/runpsipredplus example/example.fasta #ERROR HERE: /usr/local/bin/psiblast: Command not found. FATAL: Error whilst running blastpgp - script terminated!
How can I get PSIPRED to work? what I am doing wrong? Where can I get all the necessary external program to make PSIPRED work? What am I missing?
duplicate of Trying To Run Psipred But Failing To Use Blastpgp
I followed these instructions, but they are 4 years old and it seems there has been major changes to the PSIPRED program as well as others. Hence the steps in that forum entry do not work anymore.
As a side note: installing troubleshootings that depend on dependencies and standard errors are better solved in Stack Overflow! Here you might find the help you need but this forum is about problems with data interpretation and program usage :)