I have a bunch of files (=2181;anacovis2_1_summary_betai_reg.out to anacovis2_2181_summary_betai_reg.out) which are the results of my genome scan test, below are a few of the
and each file looks like this:
COVARIABLE MRK M_Pearson SD_Pearson BF(dB) Beta_is SD_Beta_is eBPis
1 1 -0.03252566 0.19829865 -7.79643409 -0.00109073 0.00858566 0.04628457
1 2 0.01711174 0.18940858 -10.81988136 0.00048600 0.00852316 0.02021122
1 3 -0.01249828 0.18648579 -11.20068061 -0.00045063 0.00736952 0.02170898
I want to go through each file (1 to 2181) and if the first column (COVARIABLE) is equal to "1" print only the last column and save it in a separate file (I want to save the output of each file in a seperate file).I know it should be done by something like awk but do not know exactly how! Does anyone has any idea how to do that? Any suggestion is appreciated.
This is a bash script. Assuming that there are no files with .out extension other than those file with .reg.out extension. This script will print last column if first column is equal to 1 and output file name would be same as original file, but without .out extension. For eg. if file is test.reg.out, output file will be test.reg. Make sure that input file has uniform delimiters. I added echo FYI to check if all the files are processed or not.