Hi, I have a NCBI fast seq file like
for whole Human genome and i want to convert it into excel file format for convenience in analysis or How this can be used in sql format to extract data
Please suggest any method or tool
I cannot improve this answer by one bit :D
Don't do it!
Why do you want to do such a thing. This is a bad idea. There must be another way. What's the bit about sql ? Do you mean you want to put the content of the FASTA file into a relational database ? Any scripting language can read and parse a FASTA file and output it into a database. There's no need for Excel in this. Also I am not aware of sequence analysis tools that are more convenient to use when the data is in Excel and even if such tools existed, I would think twice before using them because they were most likely developed by people who're not in the business of analyzing sequences. Excel is not designed to deal with sequences. It's the wrong tool for the task.
You want to convert fasta file to excel file? So you need to do analysis in windows? If you use python , it is very easy to convert to excel format file using the "Openpyxl" package. Such as the column 1 is the id, the column 2 is the short sequence. But if the file is huge, I think it is not a good idea to save sequence to a excel file.
But why.