I am a graduate student with very little background in bioinformatics, and programming. Currently, I am trying to convert my blast output from a job script I ran on a cluster. The output:
Building a new DB, current time: 09/11/2017 21:50:46
New DB name: /scratch/napulu/input_protdb/ref_prot.fasta
New DB title: ref_prot.fasta
Sequence type: Protein
Deleted existing Protein BLAST database named /scratch/napulu/input_protdb/ref_prot.fasta
Keep Linkouts: T
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 11 sequences in 0.00116897 seconds.
Initially, I made a script. That split the line based on tab space. Then I used an if statement to see lines containing amino acids one letter code. Then I split those lines with ','. I wish to extract the query_id, and alignment to make the fasta file. The query_id is supposed to be new_line[0].
Does anyone know a better way of doing this? thank you.
Not exactly sure what you want to extract in terms of the ID but why not so something like:
grep Acan blast_result | awk -F ' ' 'BEGIN {OFS="\n"}{print ">"$2,$3}'
this will produceshow the blast command you used.
Here is my blast command.
makeblastdb -in ref_prot.fasta -dbtype prot
blastp -query transcriptome.fasta -db ref_prot.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid sseq'
how did you captured the output ?
Ok so it looks like you piped the output of both commands into the same file, or copied/paste right from the terminal. Good practice for a log, bad practice for parsing. If the blast result was a separate file, you would have a much easier time. Use
-out blast.out.txt
in your blast command to name the output file.please, show us the script, show us the desired output.
I am trying to making a fasta file in the format.
Here is the blast output https://github.com/napulu123/Research-WGD/blob/master/com_ortho_para.3248444.sched.txt
First, split by '\t', not ' '. Second, splitting by a ',' is probably a bad idea.
your output looks really badly folded ! what was your blast command ?
Here it is.
makeblastdb -in ref_prot.fasta -dbtype prot
blastp -query transcriptome.fasta -db ref_prot.fasta -evalue 1e-50 -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid sseq'
The output was captured via a job script from which I ran the blast command. Here is the original script.