I'd like to download bed file (annotation) like IGV tools have,
If I choose Human hg19 reference from IGV. It is automatically set all annotation tracks.
I downloaded one from below location, http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?command=start
However, Name is not exactly what I wanted.
For example, I am searching MHC region HLA-A genes. If I search IGV annotation it shows exactly HLA-A.
However, my downloaded bed file show "NM_001242758" instead of HLA-A.
Could someone knows how I can download that HLA-A name?
Please refer to below image.
Thank you so much
and which parameters did you use ?
Thank you for your reply! Please check below parameter, genome : Human, assembly: hg19, group : Genes and Gene Predictions, track : RefSeq Genes, table : refGene, output format : bed file, region : genome.
You are probably looking for a GTF file, not a BED file. It will give you more info (for example, both name and ID).
Thank you! I will look into it.