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7.3 years ago
Hi I have a problem when run tophat. I have recieved this massage:
Error running bowtie:
Warning: output file '-' was specified without -s. This will not work in future Bowtie 2 versions. Please us -s instead.
Warning: could not open read file "/1AM21/tophat1/tmp/index" for reading; skipping...
Error: no input read files were valid.
(ERR): bowtie2-align exited with value 1
Please help me!!!
TopHat is obsolete and the developers no longer recommend that anyone use it. I suggest you use a different aligner such as Star or BBMap.
What is the exact command you ran? Before you paste that here, ensure you run it again and get the exact same error message.
![please see this picture] https://ibb.co/msadyk
Use Hisat2, it is better and fast. or If you have better computational facility, go for STAR aligner. (Required at least 32GB RAM)
I don't recommend Bowtie2 or tophat for your work. All the best