Is there test data available for bcl2fastq? I found a script in the bcl2fastq distribution (i.e. src/bcl2fastq/data/generator/
) that generates bcl.bgzf files and a s_1.bci file (i.e. Lane BCI file, the "BCI Files" described in the bcl2fastq user guide), but I'm not sure how to create .bcl.bgzf.bci files (i.e. Cycle BCI files, which are not even mentioned in the user guide). I can't successfully run the latest version of bcl2fastq without these Cycle BCI files.
I'm specifically looking for a small dataset that will be processed quickly and hopefully with a license that I can redistribute.
Thanks! I haven't used BaseSpace, but perhaps I should look into a trial if the data is redistributable. Do they provide raw bcl data?
There is a free basic tier for BaseSpace, with 1Tb space. I think the runs include "raw" bcl data, as runs are converted into fastq by RTA orbcl2fastq.