I have a specific gene, assume name "gen1". I want to find in which chromosome it is and it's positions. I queried the same using UCSC Browser and Ensembl, and got the output. Now, I have to download the same genetic information of that gene in bed format.
In bed format, one and more nu. of chromoses are available with their start and end positions.
Why it is in such format, in browser it displayed one chromosome but in bed file, nu. of chromosomes are available.
FYI: I am a bioinformatician and new to the field Human Genetics and NGS.
Pls guide. !!
Can you give us some examples of genes whose coordinates from the bed file don't match what you see on the UCSC and Ensembl browsers? Things to double check: same assembly, same version of the GENCODE gene set, whether you are dealing with the 'canonical' (whatever that means) or longest transcript, if the CDS is the only bit provided (rather than the UTRs), etc...